After more than eight years, we have finally managed to give our website a modern look and also to update the texts. A lot has happened to us in the last few years. We have continued to grow, offer new services and will continue to expand them in the future. Feel free to look around.
As an additional service, we will also offer newsletters in the future, in which we would like to inform you about the latest developments in our company and our industry. Are you interested? Then register now, you can find the registration page here.
We hope you enjoy "browsing" and are of course happy to answer any questions you may have. Just give us a call on 040 - 253 133 0 or send us an mail.
A little tip: If you already know who your contact person is, you can find the direct number in our telephone list.
If you have a question about our range of services or another concern, you have the opportunity to contact us. We will be there for you as soon as possible! Or use our telephone list and call us right away.
Heinrich Zoder Spedition GmbH
Großmannstraße 114
20539 Hamburg
+49 40 253 133 - 0
+49 40 253 133 - 99