In order to offer our customers the best possible service, we at Zoder Spedition rely, among other things, on the use of the latest telematics & IT. This not only enables you to enter orders via the Internet, but also simpler shipment tracking and direct access to your proof of delivery are among the convenient advantages of our web portal.
With this service, we would like to create more transparency for our customers on the one hand and on the other hand make the important communication in the context of order processing easier for both you and us. The area of shipment tracking in particular is much more comprehensible thanks to the use of EDP.
To use our online service, simply log in to our portal with your personal access data and call up the desired information about your order there. Simply follow the link
If you as a customer have not yet received personal access data from us, you can request this from our team by email: or by fax on 040 - 25 31 33 - 99. Of course, we are always at your disposal for questions and further information on this topic.
"I was well received by my colleagues from day one and that hasn't changed in the last 18 years. The flow of information is great and if there are any problems, the management's door is always open."
If you have a question about our range of services or another concern, you have the opportunity to contact us. We will be there for you as soon as possible! Or use our telephone list and call us right away.
Heinrich Zoder Spedition GmbH
Großmannstraße 114
20539 Hamburg
+49 40 253 133 - 0
+49 40 253 133 - 99